Sunday, 7 June 2009

Eco shed nears completion...

It's almost a year to the day since I ordered my shed from the Llangollen garden show. Last weekend I finished making this workbench. I made it from FSC approved timber bought from just down the road, and cut and drilled everything using the renewable energy provided by the windmill and the solar panel.

A year since it began, my eco-shed project is almost complete. Fitting the solar panel has made a huge impact on the usefulness of the shed. We charge loads of stuff up there and now it's kitted out for woodwork. With a ton of summer projects ahead it'll be a great place to work, and I'll be able to feel very worthy as I drill, emission-free.

So what's left to do? Well definitely I need some guttering to collect the rainwater that's bouncing of the roof, and as we're in north Wales, that's a lot of water. And finally maybe some heating, although I'm hoping the summer bucks up enough for me not to have to worry about that for a bit.